Why particle characterisation is important in the abrasives industry
Particle characterisation is crucial in the field of abrasives, where the properties particles directly influence their performance in various applications. Understanding the size, shape and other characteristics is essential for optimising abrasive materials, developing efficient manufacturing processes, and ensuring the desired performance. Meritics provide solutions for several aspects of the abrasives industry.
Laser Diffraction
The primary method of choice for the characterisation of abrasive materials is particle size analysis by laser diffraction. Meritics offer a wide range of laser diffraction instruments depending on your specific needs.
Flow Imaging Microscopy
Automated image analysis provides not only particle size distribution, but also particle shape information. The additional morphology information is important for abrasives because the presence of sharp edges typically enhances performance.
How Meritics can help
Meritics specialises in materials characterisation, providing advanced solutions for analysing materials’ properties. Their expertise includes precision measurement of particle size, shape, and surface characteristics, crucial for optimising performance and quality. By offering state-of-the-art instruments and tailored analytical services, Meritics ensures reliable, accurate data to enhance abrasives production and application.