Meritics Sustainability Policy

Meritics Limited are committed to the pursuit of global environmental sustainability.

Concern relating to the avoidance of the depletion of natural resources in order to maintain an ecological balance and sustainability of the planet is integral to our organisation’s management.

We aim to follow and promote good sustainability practices, to reduce the environmental impacts of all our activities and to help our clients and stakeholders do the same.

The policy is based on the following principles:
• The ability to maintain or support our processes over time without depleting natural or physical resources
• To protect the planet, halting climate change and promoting social development without compromising future generations
• To ensure all staff are aware of our Sustainability Policy and are committed to implementing and improving it
• To make clients and suppliers aware of our Sustainability Policy and encourage them to adopt sound sustainable management practices
• To review, annually report and to continually strive to improve our sustainability performance
• To minimise the impact on sustainability on all office and transportation activities
• To comply with all applicable legislation, regulations and codes of practice where relevant

This policy is reviewed yearly